Spicy Cracker

Hello world, I'm here so I'll have to deal with you as much as you have to deal with me.

Other things
I'm a million things, but what I am not is amused.
Other things
My amazing husband is my life line and no one person will every come between us.
Other things
There are way to many other things in this template.
Other things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
Other things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Well I'm just taking a breather before I get started over here on my journey to take hubs to the airport. I used to like long trips by myself, maybe this will break me out of my shell once again. I drive all over the place and never have fear. I'd do it day time, night time didn't really matter.

It's about an hour and 20 mins to get to the airport. So thats an hour and 20 mins I have to be alone with my thoughts on the way back. I'll probably crack myself up with some past story in my head. Yep. Sometimes I wish I was going home too. I miss my friends. Just financially and due to school sacrafices have to be made. I know in my heart I'm doing the right thing.

Besides I'll be home in July if hurricane season isn't to bad. I hope to drive but going across TX is a killer. All 859 miles of it. But hey maybe I can stop and meet up with IAMNorman for a drinky poo. (wink wink)

Well on to getting ready. Have a happy work week everyone!
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 9:26 AM   1 comments
Friday, May 12, 2006
Hey hey hey!

Well I've decided to change my template, tell me what you think! My tw0 faithful readers. Well I started classes yesterday ... I know I know ... only 7 days of a break. (And all I did was finish unpacking some boxes too.) Hubby is leaving in a few days... I'll be all by my lonesome, can you say... GIRLS NIGHT OUT! WOOOOO HOOOO! Get my drink on. j/k -

I'm such a light weight anymore my "Crunk" nights are over. (and just in case you were wondering it means crazy drunk) Speaking of Crunk, check this out: CRUNKNESS

I myself am:

Crunk Test

I did hit 84% but even for me that was just guessing at the right answers! I got a good laugh out of it anyway.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend... I'll be blogging on and off I have alot on my mind.

Later Days~

posted by Spicy Cracker @ 12:38 PM   1 comments
Agoraphobia, agora-what?
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
The day before yesterday I decided to ask my husbands (newly separated from the military)boss if she'd like to go to lunch, she said yes. I go to pick her up she seems a little weary and off we go to the local BBQ place. We get to talking and she's in the midst of finding herself a job, but she's also realizing she doesn't really want to leave the house anymore either. Oh boy I know that feeling all to well.

One min you have a job and your life is completely busy, the next min your time off feels more like a trap and your happy at home. Feeling safe in your own environment/clutter. Well anywho we get going and pull up to the BBQ place and her ex-stalking type husband is there.

"Hey, isn't that your ex-hubby? (pointing at vehicle)"
"Oh man, why is he here? I didn't tell him I don't think."
"Are you kidding me? Do you think he's following you?"
"Wouldn't that be my luck, I try to go out and not let him know and he's there."

I asked if she wanted to go somewhere else she said no, the most that will happen is that he will want to join us for lunch. (Oh Joy- possible lunch with a Over obsessed schizophrenic, manic depressive psycho that wont take his meds and can kill me in a blink of an eye)

"Okay, sure no problem." (praying)

As life may take pitty on me from time to time, as we walked in he was paying and leaving with his lunch buddies. (whew)

He says, "Well gosh if I had known we all could've had lunch together. That would've been fun right honey?"

"oh yea sure, have a good day talk to you later."

Its quiet in the BBQ place for about 10 mins. We're the only one's in there for the moment. The tea is soothing. She was a school teacher before she joined the military 12 years ago. Petite and cute. Has a fun personality, and really loves teaching. She's endured a lot over the past 17 years. There's a sense of total accomplishment there a lot of pride, but also I could feel here is a woman lost. Just like me if only for a moment. We have some of the same issues, we laugh at a lot of the same things. I feel grounded when I'm around her.

I've been looking back on my life and my decision I've chosen to make in my life some bad some good, Some funny some sad. I've spent way to much time comparing myself to everyone else. Wanting to be thinner like.... Be smarter than... Have success more than ..... None of this has done one bit of good, and through it all I don't know who I want to be.

All I do know is I want to be me, who ever that is.
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 8:49 AM   0 comments
WooT Spring Semester is OVER!!!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
I made it through another sememster. I had 2 student "Art Shows" this week, and if I do say so myself I got some pretty nice complements. Actually my favorite photography professor went to check out my work in the other class. I was touched, to get a complement out of that is like pulling teeth. Don't get me wrong he never said anything negative but to say how proud he was / is of me and that I "just might have something there" is pretty cool. I recieved 2 A's for thos classes. (go me, go me, dancing around)

For me classes start again on Thursday 11 May 06, I've got less than a week to finish going through my boxes hard core. Moving during the middle of the semester was a pain in the ass for the most part we got everything up but I noticed I was missing stuff so now as I pull out box after box of stuff... I'm finding it. Oh and OH what did I find? I had an apartment ment with a blogger friend of mind and when people would come over we would make them take pictures with this huge stuffed bunny (Bugs Bunny) of course. I found one of us with the bunny for New Years 2000/2001. I still have the video of that new years. Man I was drunk. Everyone was drunk except Jules who was prego and Burpy Boy Stalker who happend to be alergic to alcohol. Burpy had taken a liking to me. Even after seeing that I was "dating" one of the guys that attended the party. The next day he asked me if I wanted to go to the movies I said I had to think about it and I'd get back to him. (The answer is NO Burpy I was saying that to be nice.) So he calls 15 mins later saying ... well have you thought about it? You haven't called me.

Are you kidding me? Did you mean today? So again I said.... "I'll call you and let you know ok, I have some things I need to take care of now." I can't remember how many phone calls I received 30 mins after 30 mins finally after the 8th one I think I begged the roomie to answer the phone and say I was out. Finally the nuttyness stopped. I look back and think about my life before my husband... and all I can say is ... WTF!

Later Days!
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 8:14 AM   0 comments
Once again I'm haunted....
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
by my husbands ex-wife that is. I've never met this woman and every so often she has done something in the past that f*cks with our lives. In 1998 my hubs married a psycho with a slew of mental problems. He was about 4 years into his military career decided to go to college and because of nut job he fail 4 classes that Uncle Sam was paying for. (He didn't know how college worked so never thought of withdrawing from the class so as not to fail and his councilor never told him) Until last semester he put school on hold and has been struggling to get every thing on track get back up to speed this that and the other. Because of his ex b!tch he got behind in promotions and all sorts of stuff. I've been helping him fight for the past few years to get back up to speed it's been working until the wonderful news I got 2 days ago.

The military paid for last semesters class, and is paying for this semesters classes, but wont pay for next semesters class .... And why you ask... Even though he's gotten grades of: B and 2 A's??? They told him they did him a favor by wavering that in, but now they are all centralized and because of what happened almost 8 years ago... They will no longer pay for his college until he has a 2.0 gpa. Now I've pulled my husbands Transcripts and he has never received anything lower than a B with the exception of 1 C according to what I saw.

But the military has decided that they are only going to count the classes they paid for. Son of a ..... Man... everytime I get 2 steps forward I get to take 3 steps back. Which means unless I can get this taken care of and try to get it wiped off his record we have to pay for his college classes until he hits a 2.0 gpa with just the classes they pay for. So summer classes are around the corner and I've signed him up for the photography class I've just taken which with a little effort he'll get another A.

As I take a deep breath, and try to start my day watching the sun come up over the mountain. I imagine of ways I could hurt his ex-wife and get away with it...heh... on the other hand what she did was in the past and I have to move on from here I'm thankful they never had kids together. I love my hubs more than anything. I'll fight for what ever I need too, life is never easy and I've been through some sort of struggle for anything I've really wanted or needed out of life-

Why should it stop now. All I know is it's always an adventure.
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 6:06 AM   0 comments
"Ooopsie, wrong house."
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
I was invited to a girls night house/home interiors party. I had only been to hostest house once before. She lived on base/post so you know all the new housing looks alike. (The basic cookie cutter houses) To top it off every street had the same house number, every corner 2nd house had a curvey driveway....You get where I'm going here, it's the military everything must be uniform.

I asked a girl that is the wife of a soldier my husband went to war with if she would like to join me, being she's having her house built and would probably want to decorate, she said yes.

So we're off. On our way on post we show our ID's at the gate smile pretty for the MP's and they wish us a nice night. (I'm bad with directions unless I've driven them a few times... ) Ok go to 3rd light, make left. Go all the way down behind bank and PX to stop sign, make left. Alrighty, first street on left turn there. So far soooooo good, we're in the neighborhood the next turn is going to be a right one, not thinking I take the first right.... (I even had paper directions, I just missed the 3 or 4th right and the street name at the bottom being I folded the paper.)

Second house, curvey driveway #103 yep looks the same. We park get out walk up to the door smell some wonderful food cooking ( and I knew there was going to be food there soooo I couldn't be wrong right?.) well a very nice "dark" skinned man with a lovely smile answered the door and said hello.

All I could say with a smile was, "Ooopsie, Wrong House." (beat read and snickering) he starts laughing too. Then it dawned on me I needed to go 3 streets down. This poor man was standing there wondering why these 2 white women we're at his door. I wanted to say... "Avon Calling" to be funny but by that time the girl I was wish was laughing and telling him what ever he was cooking sure did smell good. So we leave and I say... "We're sooooo not going to talk about this!" She said, "Are you kidding me, I'm telling everyone." We both just laugh and laugh and go on to the party. Three streets down 2nd house curvey driveway, #103 yep... We're here. When she answered, we busted out laughing. Over all it was a good night, I only bought 10 bucks worth of stuff but over all, the food was yummy, fondue my fav.

So the moral of the story is: If you write down directions on a folded piece of paper make sure that you unfold it again when you're following them.

Chuck Norris Fun Fact: "Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light, not because Chuck Norris is afraid of the dark, because the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris."
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 9:10 AM   0 comments
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Name: Spicy Cracker
Home: Any Where, United States
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