Spicy Cracker

Hello world, I'm here so I'll have to deal with you as much as you have to deal with me.

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I'm a million things, but what I am not is amused.
Other things
My amazing husband is my life line and no one person will every come between us.
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There are way to many other things in this template.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
Once again I'm haunted....
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
by my husbands ex-wife that is. I've never met this woman and every so often she has done something in the past that f*cks with our lives. In 1998 my hubs married a psycho with a slew of mental problems. He was about 4 years into his military career decided to go to college and because of nut job he fail 4 classes that Uncle Sam was paying for. (He didn't know how college worked so never thought of withdrawing from the class so as not to fail and his councilor never told him) Until last semester he put school on hold and has been struggling to get every thing on track get back up to speed this that and the other. Because of his ex b!tch he got behind in promotions and all sorts of stuff. I've been helping him fight for the past few years to get back up to speed it's been working until the wonderful news I got 2 days ago.

The military paid for last semesters class, and is paying for this semesters classes, but wont pay for next semesters class .... And why you ask... Even though he's gotten grades of: B and 2 A's??? They told him they did him a favor by wavering that in, but now they are all centralized and because of what happened almost 8 years ago... They will no longer pay for his college until he has a 2.0 gpa. Now I've pulled my husbands Transcripts and he has never received anything lower than a B with the exception of 1 C according to what I saw.

But the military has decided that they are only going to count the classes they paid for. Son of a ..... Man... everytime I get 2 steps forward I get to take 3 steps back. Which means unless I can get this taken care of and try to get it wiped off his record we have to pay for his college classes until he hits a 2.0 gpa with just the classes they pay for. So summer classes are around the corner and I've signed him up for the photography class I've just taken which with a little effort he'll get another A.

As I take a deep breath, and try to start my day watching the sun come up over the mountain. I imagine of ways I could hurt his ex-wife and get away with it...heh... on the other hand what she did was in the past and I have to move on from here I'm thankful they never had kids together. I love my hubs more than anything. I'll fight for what ever I need too, life is never easy and I've been through some sort of struggle for anything I've really wanted or needed out of life-

Why should it stop now. All I know is it's always an adventure.
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 6:06 AM  
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