Spicy Cracker

Hello world, I'm here so I'll have to deal with you as much as you have to deal with me.

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I'm a million things, but what I am not is amused.
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My amazing husband is my life line and no one person will every come between us.
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There are way to many other things in this template.
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Still burning off anger...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I have this neighbor...

Wait.. Let me first say, (and I know I've said this before) I am NOT a touchy feely person if you are not related to me and even then hubs is the only one I don't want to smack.

So the neighbor, she's driving me crazy. Last Thursday I spoke to her for a brief moment telling her I have her stuff that she let me borrow and I wanted to know when to return it. She was pissed because I didn't answer the door.... ( I think I may be repeating myself on here ) As you all know out there in blogger land I have a restraining order out on someone and if I don't know you're coming... I don't answer... and if you call my house first and I don't answer, don't just come over. When I called her later ... she was pissy and said some crap about it being just her blah blah... it's OK if I didn't answer... blah blah...

This brings us up to about 20 mins ago. She called to see "how I was doing" yes I will admit I had bit of shortness in my tone. I told her I was just tired from repacking my husbands stuff for storage and I was just coming inside but I had a moment to talk. She then started to tell me she was still at work on her way home and was just checking on me... (I get a lot of this for some reason... I am not feeble). I reminded her that I still had her things she said no problem ... we hung up. She called back not 5 mins later and wanted to know, If I was mad at her for some reason. Hmmmm. I'm in a foul mood so I flat out said yes and that she pissed me off last Thursday. "Did I even speak to you last Thursday?" Now I'm confused... I begin to remind her of the conversation and she kept cutting me off trying to explain herself and telling me it was OK if I was pissed off at her that's my prerogative ..... (gee thanks for giving me permission) Now I'm even more pissed... damn you know I'm going to have a stroke if I keep giving a flip about stuff.

To boot she must touch you every chance she gets. I can't remember where I read this but out there in blogger land I know I saw someone say something that I do.... when random people want to hug me .. I want to scream... sometimes it almost feels like it's going to hurt to be touched. I always go oww. Odd maybe or defence mechanism... hmm I like the latter.

As for working on down sizing my hubs crap in the Garage... well lets just say not only have I filled up our huge garbage can... I have filled up the neighbors (with permission) and I have more to dump and the other neighbors. Now I just have to figure out if they are even going to pick up the trash tomorrow... being a holiday and all. Whew.... I'm feeling better....

Later Days-
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 6:21 PM  
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