Spicy Cracker

Hello world, I'm here so I'll have to deal with you as much as you have to deal with me.

Other things
I'm a million things, but what I am not is amused.
Other things
My amazing husband is my life line and no one person will every come between us.
Other things
There are way to many other things in this template.
Other things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
Other things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
I've come to realize...
Saturday, November 10, 2007
1. I've come to realize that my butt: is looking good now I'm working out.

2. I've come to realize that, I talk: too much

3. I've come to realize that, I love: me

4. I've come to realize that, I have: too much on my plate

5. I've come to realize that, I lost :my mind.

Where's number 7?

6. I've come to realize that, I hate it when: people are disrespectful

8. I've come to realize that, Marriage:is forever

9. I've come to realize that, somewhere, someone is thinking:about me :)

10. I've come to realize that, I'll always be:me and say it how it is.

11. I've come to realize that, I have serious feelings for: life.

12. I've come to realize that, the last time I cried was: This morning.

13. I've come to realize that, my cell phone is: a pain in my ass.

14. I've come to realize that, when I wake up in the morning:I'm usually tired

15. I've come to realize that, before I go to sleep at night I: am usually fighting it.

16. I've come to realize that, right now I am thinking abouT: Trying to take care of the house.

17. I've come to realize that, babies are: usually born into sucky relationships.... (around here anyway... sorry kiddos)

18. I've come to realize that, I get on Myspace:Daily

19. I've come to realize that, today I will:Run errands

20. I've come to realize that, tonight I will:Be packing and cleaning

21. I've come to realize that, tomorrow I will: be cleaning some more.

22. I've come to realize that, I really want to:Take a vacation

23. I've come to realize that, the person who is most likely to repost this: I have no clue... no one reads me.
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 5:43 PM  
  • At 2:44 PM, September 16, 2008, Blogger Shruti said…

    u wake up in the morning feeling tired? U dream of having taken part in an athletic event? ;)

    I think I'm going to take up this one.. rather.. steal this one out of here :)

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