Spicy Cracker

Hello world, I'm here so I'll have to deal with you as much as you have to deal with me.

Other things
I'm a million things, but what I am not is amused.
Other things
My amazing husband is my life line and no one person will every come between us.
Other things
There are way to many other things in this template.
Other things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
Other things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
More Fun Facts Part 2
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
(This is my 3rd post today! I love fun facts.. yes I've had a lot of time on my hands today!)


If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee. (Hardly seems worth it.)

If you fart consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb. (Now that's more like it!)

The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet. (O.M.G.!)

A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes. (In my next life, I want to be a pig.)

A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death. (Creepy.) (I'm still not over the pig.)

Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories a hour (Don't try this at home,maybe at work)

The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off. ("Honey, I'm home. What the....?!")

The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field. (30 minutes..lucky pig! Can you imagine?)

The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds. (What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond? )

Some lions mate over 50 times a day. (I still want to be a pig in my next life...quality over quantity)

Butterflies taste with their feet. (Something I always wanted to know....Hmmmmmm......)

Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people. (If you're ambidextrous, do you split the difference?)

Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump. (okay, so that would be a good thing)

A cat's urine glows under a black light. (I wonder who was paid to figure that out?)

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. (I know some people like that.)

Starfish have no brains. (I know some people like that too.)

Polar bears are left-handed. (If they switch, they'll live a lot longer)

Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. (What about that pig??)
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 5:28 PM   2 comments
and thats all i have to say about that!
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 2:22 PM   0 comments
Did you know!
Little known 'Did you know' facts (I stold this Idea from Norman)

Weird facts that you would rather not know....

Did you know?...It is impossible to lick your elbow.

Did you know?...Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

Did you know?...Coca-Cola was originally contain cocaine.

Did you know?...23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts.

Did you know?...In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.

Did you know?...If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles?

Did you know?...Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.

Did you know?...More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call.

Did you know?...The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language. Did you know?...The Eiffel Tower in Paris weighs over 1000 elephants.

Did you know?...there are actually two types of humans? The slightly larger and less intelligent kind, males, have protruding external genitalia called "penises" that are used for making important life decisions. Meanwhile, females have these nifty things called "vaginas" that no one understands yet, especially males

Did you know?... In 1879, a mail service in Belgium employed 37 cats to carry bundles of letters to villages around the town of Liege, this experiment was shorted-lived as the cats proved thoroughly undisciplined. Just plain weird...even by my standards.

Did you know?... The greatest recorded number of children that have been born by one mother is 69! The poor lass gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and a measly 4 sets of quadruplets. Even in the days before IVF!

Did you know?...Males, on average, think about sex every 7 seconds.Did you know?... Every 5 seconds a computer gets infected with a virus

Did you know?...13% of Americans actually believe that some parts of the moon are made of cheese...yummyDid you know?...The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.

Did you know?...If you could count the number of times a cricket chirps in one minute, divide by 2, add 9 and divide by 2 again, you would have the correct temperature in celcius degrees... How do they know that?

Did you know?...Fish that live more than 800 meters below the ocean surface don't have eyes. Eeewwwwww

Did you know?...Hydrogen is an explosive gas. Oxygen supports combustion. Yet when these are combined it is water which is used to put out fires.

Did you know?...Walt Disney's autograph bears no resemblance to the famous Disney logo he was also impotent. Bwahahahahahaha!

Did you know?...The Dutch town of Leeuwarden can be spelled 225 different ways- 1. Leeuwaarden2. Leewaarden3. Leewarden4. Leuwarden5. leuwaardenn6. Leuuwarrden......224. BradfordDid you know?...Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave. Go on, try it then

Did you know?...The Ramses brand condom is named after the great phaoroh Ramses II who fathered over 160 children.

Did you know?...Duelling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.

Did you know?...Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history.
Spades - King David
Hearts - Charlemagne
Clubs - Alexander the Great
Diamonds - Julius Caesar

Did you know?...In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.

Did you know?...If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds recieved in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.

Did you know?...Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.

Did you know?...The average chocolate bar has 8 insects' legs in it.

Did you know?...101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan (Wendy) are the only two Disney cartoon features with both parents that are present and don't die during the movie.

Did you know?...To "testify" was based on men in the Roman court swearing to a statement made by swearing on their testicles.

Did you know?...You're most likely to win the UK's Lotto if you buy your ticket on a saturday rather than a wednesday. Because you are more likey to die before the number draw than win.

Did you know?... In York, it is perfectly legal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow and arrow (except on Sundays)

Did you know?...On average, 90% Dutch teenagers can speak fluent English whereas only 80% American teenagers can speak fluent English. (Just incase you didnt know, English is not the first langauge of The Netherlands.)

Did you know?...In Texas, a recently passed anticrime law requires criminals to give their victims 24 hours notice, either orally or in writing, and to explain the nature of the crime to be committed. Only in Texas....

Did you know?...No piece of square dry paper can be folded in half more than 7 times

Did you know?...The people who make school kitchens, also make electric chairs.

Did you know?... The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night.

Did you know?..."Stewardesses" is the longest word typed with only the left hand.

Did you know?...The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English language.

Did you know?...1 in every 200 people are a psychopath and they look just like everyone else......

Did you know?...An average human loses about 200 head hairs per day.

Did you know?... All the chemicals in the human body have a combined value of approximately £4.00 (6.25 Euro)

Did you know?...In Alaska, it is legal to shoot bears. However, waking a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photograph is prohibited.

Did you know?...You are most likely to be murdered or raped by a family member or a close friend (98% of all murders). Whereas being murdered by a derranged lunatic down a dark alley is very rare.

Did you know?...Bill "Four eyes" Gates has enough money to buy every house in Alaska, greedy bastard!

Did you know?...Mexico City sinks about 10 inches a year

Did you know?...It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open? Next time you feel a sneeze coming try it!

Did you know?...The expression "to get fired" comes from long, long ago. When clans wanted to get rid of their unwanted people without killing them used to burn their houses down.

Did you know?...The word 'corr' actually means 'odd' in Irish.

Did you know?...Los Angeles' full name is "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula". In English this means 'The City of Angels'

Did you know?..
.In France, a five year old child can buy an alcholic drink in a bar
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 2:07 PM   3 comments
rocks rocks everywhere....
Monday, June 26, 2006
As a child my favorite book at one point was "There are rocks in my socks!" Said the Ox to the Fox. OH - boy did I know what he was feeling. 16.5 ton of rock was dumped in my front yard that needed to be hauled to my back yard on Saturday morning. Holy Crap it was 2 huge piles of rocks.

At first I didn't know who was going to help us. People come and go, in and out of your life while you're in the military but alias we have really good friends. One neighbor came over and saw that we needed an extra shovel, and another neighbor let us borrow their wheel barrow, 2 of my girlfriends down the street came in the afternoon to help shovel and SSgt F. Came to help out, and Crazy LC stopped by for a few hours, and to my surprised one 12 year old girl came with her momma and was shovelin and raking with the best of us. She how ever reminded me of that Squirl in "Over the Hedge" after he drank the Mach 6 Energy drink.

Shovel, crash, shovel crash. push, dump, shake, run, start over. Load after unforgiving load of rocks. A bottle of sunscreen, three 16 inch sandwiches from the best mom and pop deli in town 4 tubs of potato salad, 20 bottles of powerade, 5 pitchers of ice water continuously flowing..... finally the back yard looks covered. Only took about 9 hours of back breaking work. The only thing that gives me solace is the fact that once this is done I will never have to water, fertalize, or mow any of it and it's done for the rest of all eternaty unless I want to change the color of them. Which for crying out loud would be crazy!

Now for the best part. I got me a pool. Nothing fancy but a pool that is 10 foot across and 2.5 feet deep holds a little over a 1,000 gals of water but you know... all I want is something to sit in and chill after a hot day. I hit Home Depot today, we bought some stepping stones, 4 tekki torches, and a gift for one of the ladies that helped us shovel. At some point this week I will set up these and get ready for the 4th of July weekend. All I need is some astro turf to go on top of my rocks before I put the pool down.

What else did I do today you ask.... well I got me a new pet! Hubs named him Killer. He's quite a site. A dark greyish head, blue / purplish body with a red tail. If you haven't guessed it's a beta. I felt guilty about placing him in a tiny bowel so I bought him a nicer home with a rock that has a hole in the middle for adventure. Right now at his later hour all my feathered friends are sleeping as should I but I'm wired .... I think it has to be the green tea I drank from the new Starbucks in the Target we have here. I also finshed my book, "The Devil wears Prada" it wasn't what I expected but it was good none the less. I'm going to be 30 in a few more weeks. Somedays I wonder what happend to my life, other days I to the point of exhaustion. It all works out I know. I'm feeling really fulfilled more and more everyday.... At what I have no clue, but hey it's a start!
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 1:30 AM   1 comments
3 am ramblings
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Every so often I go through a funky cycle of sleeping .... it is 3:19am.... you've guessed it, I'm in the funk. My husband is sleeping like a baby, it makes me sad I can't enjoy those same tired hours, instead I sit her listening to my birds rattling a cat toy with a tiny bell. It's their way of letting me know they know somebody is up. Once in a while I hear a little screech like they are having a dream or they are bumping into each other. Oh well.

I met the neighbor tonight, she moved in back in April. I decided I needed to be nice and invite her over she's 22 weeks pregnat she's tiny with a pooch, pretty sweet so far. I go on 3 to 4 mile walks everynight so I asked her if she ever wanted to go she was more than welcome to come.

Nothing really exciting happens here, other than other people's drama. I guess I could gossip here, get it out of my system. (heh) I am a military wife, not the catty I'm better than you or the I sleep around on my husband everytime he turns his back. I just so happen to be married to a man in the Military. I choose not to be around many other military spouses for the above 2 reasons. Oh and the drama that is some of there lives.

1st spouse I ever came in contact with slept around on her husband while he was in Iraq. Lied about it to everyone, it became a huge issue she lost all her friends on top of she treated her husband like crap. It's been almost a year and people are trying to be more accepting because we're deciding it's not our place to judge we just don't want to be seen with her alone in public because the rest of us will look bad. (see what you have to put up with)

"Pagan" I will call her. She, I met for 15 mins and knew her whole life story. All she talked about was being a nudist, and being a pagan and how other people are just watching the movie The craft and thinking they are witches. I've talked to her on the phone twice and took forever to get her to hang up. Now I don't care what you do and don't believe, but damn mamma save something to surprise people with. Oh yea... did I tell you how she sells sex toys and that her Gay Father In Law is her biggest client? Let me just throw out a WTF on that one.

"Blonde" well well well where do I begin? Let me see, her man and mine were stationed together on the east coast and went to war together during the intial invasion. Aparently when they met he was still married to his ex-wife and told her that he was divorced. The ex-wife didn't even know there was a problem and she was waiting for her husband to met up with her at their new duty station. He had school while they were inroute from one place to another. He decides to ask blonde to marry him while he was still married to the "other" wife. Yup, that is right folks he committed polygamy. Well he told her he found out the ex contested the divorce (lie) never asked for one and that they had to get remarried, 2 different times. I asked why she stayed with him after all of this ... she said she just wanted to be a stay at home mom and she would do it at any expense. Creepy, what people will do. It's a shame I really liked her too. She's really funny our husbands got along, then right after she told me all of this she dropped out of the light. I never judged her on it, never said anything about it to her. Maybe she was embarrassed afterwards that she ever said anything. (Oh yea did I say how she wanted to have 5 to 8 kids all boys?)

"Country Drama" Oh man this one is a friend of "Blonde" again her husband knew my husband, went to war together, seems nice enough but the girl has a lot of issues she needs to let go. Apparently he and she married 6 weeks after they met because he was getting deployed and once he got over in the dirt he mad a female friend and was telling his wife out of sight out of mind... oh man... WTH! So thats all she's ever talked about and that was enough about that. It's like you are choosing to be with someone, after all this crap happens don't hold on. Let it go already.

So here I am in my little south park town, in my new house with my great husband, just keeping to myself just trucking along. Don't get me wrong I've met some wonderful people along the way and as my 30th birthday is coming up I need less and less people around me. I'm not saying I want "better" people around me but I would like to meet people that are on my same page in life. What ever that may be, that is what I would like. Makes things so much easier.

So if you know me and know where I'm at stop by lets have a Margarita or a Johnwalker and Coke, heck I'll even get ya a beer (even though I'm alergic to it).

Good times had by all.
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 3:22 AM   1 comments
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Ever feel so lost that you can't focus or pull it all together. The past few weeks I've been in an odd funk. I just finshed my Florida class not to long ago and it looks like I got an A. I'm in another class right now that I'm way behind in due to some computer problems, but I have no sence of urgency, and I'm extremely unhappy.

I have a good life. I have the most wonderful husband in the world. I am luckier than most. What am I missing? The weather here is perfect. I really wish I knew what it is that I am missing. I am 2 classes away from my AA. The one I'm currently in and one more in the fall. I want to drop the one I'm in now and start over in the Fall. I want a break. I'm getting to old for this bullshit.

Ever sit around and have a million pictures flood you're mind from the past? Or conversations, past relationships, a ton of why's and what if's you can't change but they are still there. That is where I am. This underlying guilt that I could've done something to change it all.

I can't Focus, did I say that already? It's like I can / will help anyone else but I can't help myself. I can fix or figure out for others but I can't take my own advice. Does that mean I don't love myself enough to do something about my void? Asking questions I can not answer, I know. Well I don't expect that I'll ever get those answer either until I find away to have some sort of blind faith again, or able to let it go out of my mind. Yea, that'll happen soon.

I can either look for the good in people up front then dislike them later because something usually annoys me about most of the people I meet around here. Or I can just choose to hate everyone up front then realize they are ok later on. Even I know the 2nd choice is no way to meet people / live life either. It however is the safer way to protect your being.

Something will pan out and guide me through, I don't know why or how that just popped into my head but it sounded good for now.
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 10:26 AM   1 comments
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Name: Spicy Cracker
Home: Any Where, United States
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