Spicy Cracker

Hello world, I'm here so I'll have to deal with you as much as you have to deal with me.

Other things
I'm a million things, but what I am not is amused.
Other things
My amazing husband is my life line and no one person will every come between us.
Other things
There are way to many other things in this template.
Other things
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Other things
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3 am ramblings
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Every so often I go through a funky cycle of sleeping .... it is 3:19am.... you've guessed it, I'm in the funk. My husband is sleeping like a baby, it makes me sad I can't enjoy those same tired hours, instead I sit her listening to my birds rattling a cat toy with a tiny bell. It's their way of letting me know they know somebody is up. Once in a while I hear a little screech like they are having a dream or they are bumping into each other. Oh well.

I met the neighbor tonight, she moved in back in April. I decided I needed to be nice and invite her over she's 22 weeks pregnat she's tiny with a pooch, pretty sweet so far. I go on 3 to 4 mile walks everynight so I asked her if she ever wanted to go she was more than welcome to come.

Nothing really exciting happens here, other than other people's drama. I guess I could gossip here, get it out of my system. (heh) I am a military wife, not the catty I'm better than you or the I sleep around on my husband everytime he turns his back. I just so happen to be married to a man in the Military. I choose not to be around many other military spouses for the above 2 reasons. Oh and the drama that is some of there lives.

1st spouse I ever came in contact with slept around on her husband while he was in Iraq. Lied about it to everyone, it became a huge issue she lost all her friends on top of she treated her husband like crap. It's been almost a year and people are trying to be more accepting because we're deciding it's not our place to judge we just don't want to be seen with her alone in public because the rest of us will look bad. (see what you have to put up with)

"Pagan" I will call her. She, I met for 15 mins and knew her whole life story. All she talked about was being a nudist, and being a pagan and how other people are just watching the movie The craft and thinking they are witches. I've talked to her on the phone twice and took forever to get her to hang up. Now I don't care what you do and don't believe, but damn mamma save something to surprise people with. Oh yea... did I tell you how she sells sex toys and that her Gay Father In Law is her biggest client? Let me just throw out a WTF on that one.

"Blonde" well well well where do I begin? Let me see, her man and mine were stationed together on the east coast and went to war together during the intial invasion. Aparently when they met he was still married to his ex-wife and told her that he was divorced. The ex-wife didn't even know there was a problem and she was waiting for her husband to met up with her at their new duty station. He had school while they were inroute from one place to another. He decides to ask blonde to marry him while he was still married to the "other" wife. Yup, that is right folks he committed polygamy. Well he told her he found out the ex contested the divorce (lie) never asked for one and that they had to get remarried, 2 different times. I asked why she stayed with him after all of this ... she said she just wanted to be a stay at home mom and she would do it at any expense. Creepy, what people will do. It's a shame I really liked her too. She's really funny our husbands got along, then right after she told me all of this she dropped out of the light. I never judged her on it, never said anything about it to her. Maybe she was embarrassed afterwards that she ever said anything. (Oh yea did I say how she wanted to have 5 to 8 kids all boys?)

"Country Drama" Oh man this one is a friend of "Blonde" again her husband knew my husband, went to war together, seems nice enough but the girl has a lot of issues she needs to let go. Apparently he and she married 6 weeks after they met because he was getting deployed and once he got over in the dirt he mad a female friend and was telling his wife out of sight out of mind... oh man... WTH! So thats all she's ever talked about and that was enough about that. It's like you are choosing to be with someone, after all this crap happens don't hold on. Let it go already.

So here I am in my little south park town, in my new house with my great husband, just keeping to myself just trucking along. Don't get me wrong I've met some wonderful people along the way and as my 30th birthday is coming up I need less and less people around me. I'm not saying I want "better" people around me but I would like to meet people that are on my same page in life. What ever that may be, that is what I would like. Makes things so much easier.

So if you know me and know where I'm at stop by lets have a Margarita or a Johnwalker and Coke, heck I'll even get ya a beer (even though I'm alergic to it).

Good times had by all.
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 3:22 AM  
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