Spicy Cracker

Hello world, I'm here so I'll have to deal with you as much as you have to deal with me.

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I'm a million things, but what I am not is amused.
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My amazing husband is my life line and no one person will every come between us.
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There are way to many other things in this template.
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rocks rocks everywhere....
Monday, June 26, 2006
As a child my favorite book at one point was "There are rocks in my socks!" Said the Ox to the Fox. OH - boy did I know what he was feeling. 16.5 ton of rock was dumped in my front yard that needed to be hauled to my back yard on Saturday morning. Holy Crap it was 2 huge piles of rocks.

At first I didn't know who was going to help us. People come and go, in and out of your life while you're in the military but alias we have really good friends. One neighbor came over and saw that we needed an extra shovel, and another neighbor let us borrow their wheel barrow, 2 of my girlfriends down the street came in the afternoon to help shovel and SSgt F. Came to help out, and Crazy LC stopped by for a few hours, and to my surprised one 12 year old girl came with her momma and was shovelin and raking with the best of us. She how ever reminded me of that Squirl in "Over the Hedge" after he drank the Mach 6 Energy drink.

Shovel, crash, shovel crash. push, dump, shake, run, start over. Load after unforgiving load of rocks. A bottle of sunscreen, three 16 inch sandwiches from the best mom and pop deli in town 4 tubs of potato salad, 20 bottles of powerade, 5 pitchers of ice water continuously flowing..... finally the back yard looks covered. Only took about 9 hours of back breaking work. The only thing that gives me solace is the fact that once this is done I will never have to water, fertalize, or mow any of it and it's done for the rest of all eternaty unless I want to change the color of them. Which for crying out loud would be crazy!

Now for the best part. I got me a pool. Nothing fancy but a pool that is 10 foot across and 2.5 feet deep holds a little over a 1,000 gals of water but you know... all I want is something to sit in and chill after a hot day. I hit Home Depot today, we bought some stepping stones, 4 tekki torches, and a gift for one of the ladies that helped us shovel. At some point this week I will set up these and get ready for the 4th of July weekend. All I need is some astro turf to go on top of my rocks before I put the pool down.

What else did I do today you ask.... well I got me a new pet! Hubs named him Killer. He's quite a site. A dark greyish head, blue / purplish body with a red tail. If you haven't guessed it's a beta. I felt guilty about placing him in a tiny bowel so I bought him a nicer home with a rock that has a hole in the middle for adventure. Right now at his later hour all my feathered friends are sleeping as should I but I'm wired .... I think it has to be the green tea I drank from the new Starbucks in the Target we have here. I also finshed my book, "The Devil wears Prada" it wasn't what I expected but it was good none the less. I'm going to be 30 in a few more weeks. Somedays I wonder what happend to my life, other days I to the point of exhaustion. It all works out I know. I'm feeling really fulfilled more and more everyday.... At what I have no clue, but hey it's a start!
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 1:30 AM  
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