Spicy Cracker

Hello world, I'm here so I'll have to deal with you as much as you have to deal with me.

Other things
I'm a million things, but what I am not is amused.
Other things
My amazing husband is my life line and no one person will every come between us.
Other things
There are way to many other things in this template.
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Happy 3rd Wedding Anniversary to hubs and I.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Yep that's right, we've been married 3 years today, and today would've been my father's 71st birthday as well. So today is pretty special to me all around.

On to the past few days. I had an aquantance come into town this weekend, it was homecoming weekend for the highschool and her daughter wanted to come back here to go with her friends and her long distance boyfriend (which mom didn't know about) this woman is a ball of frustration. She's like a jack ball that has been dropped on concrete hard and fast and you can not catch her for anything. She talks with her hands and she paces a lot. (Thats the understatement.) She is going through plenty right now and I truely believe it's flight or fight syndrome. She moved about 5 hours from here for a job she got as a contractor, after she was medically discharged from the military.

She she was giving a series of shots and shortly after started having the oddest allergies. Now she can not eat anything with soy or corn in it. Do you know everything has this in it? She can't even eat cucumbers or onions either, aren't they mostly water? So cooking for her is a treat, but I come up with some great stuff that is easy and filling and she ate and ate! (Thanks to all my handy dandy papmered chef stuff it was easy to do!)
She helped me take one of my dreaded Saturday online test she's a wiz and I let her barrow my digital camra for pictures of her daughter.

On Monday I had another test in Cal and didn't do so hot .... I study my arse off for that test as well. I think I studied it right out of my brain. Well thats ok I'll make up for it next week.

I got word also on Monday about my health insurance petition. I was denied. Due to not having seen my current and new doctor. So on to my 2nd option which is fine at least I have a plan, so today after class I'm calling hubs running down to the base and flipping my insurance over. So I can see who I want when I want and just pay 20 % out of pocket with a $1,000 cap for a rolling year of OCT to OCT. Either way I'll finally get taken care of. Thank GOD. I am terrified of doctors. Doctors of all kinds and sorts. I've been messed up for quite sometime and when I finally find a good one, I have to leave or something happens. A misdiagnosis of my fathers condition and a bad mixture of his medication is what I believe happend to him. Unfortunately I didn't find out to many many months later.

I've been searching for a homiopathic doc in the area with no luck yet but hopefully next week we'll get the ball rolling. I'm really happy, it's a beautiful day and every breath gives me a 2nd chance.

So Happy Anniversary to me!

Later Days~
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 9:25 AM  
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