Spicy Cracker

Hello world, I'm here so I'll have to deal with you as much as you have to deal with me.

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I'm a million things, but what I am not is amused.
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My amazing husband is my life line and no one person will every come between us.
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There are way to many other things in this template.
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My memories are still coming back to me...
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
So Friday Night memories are still coming back to me.... Good God I'm glad I don't make drinking a full time thing, it's the thinking and thought process that kills me afterwards. In the deep wee hours of my over due drunkiness at some point I boldly told my friend who was talking about "sucking a big".... well you know.... I stated " Will you stop being a whore? " Enough for everyone to think I was sober for a breif moment.

Then I was back in drunk land. That day I had thought drinking starting at 5 pm in the afternoon was a good idea being I had no intention of leaving the house and I was wanting to play pictionary all night. I had started drinking being my house guest had driven me too it and well maybe a little pms to boot. It's no excuse but if I didn't do these things you guys out there in blog land wouldn't want to keep up with me. I'm on a quest to get interesting!

At somepoint I grabbed a hot curling iron did my hair refreshed my make up put on 5 inch heels and was good to go... everyone was shocked that at no point did I burn myself or put on 2 different shoes. Off we went to the sea of desparation of lonely people. Nights like that I'm soooo happy I'm married... more happy than I already am and I didn't think that was possible. My husband is not a huge dancer, so I go on the floor and he watches to make sure I'm ok... he's not around at the moment so his stand-in goes in his place, he on the other hand is talking to a beautiful girl that has noooooo, none, nada, zip, zero, zilch interest in him. Yet he begs to differ... (sometimes we all live in a delusional world from time to time) I'm being swept away farther and farther away then I see him frantically looking for me as I am having a wonderful time. This my friends is where the fun begins.

I duck a little, I turn around just enough to hide in the crowed of people. I know, what I'm doing is wrong I'm proving a point- YOU NEVER EVER LEAVE YOUR WINGMAN (or woman in this case) Damnit man didn't you watch TopGun? Now you're worried... now you're wondering where your "date" is? (only honorary because no one was interested so go back home with who you came with) I'm a hot chick that you can have as eye candy on your arm as you leave the club at last call. ( I like to think I'm hot, thats me be confidant and delusional at the same time).

It's all good in the hood, or in the west suburbs. I remember a slow song actually I remember 2. I remember just wanting to be with the man I love and thinking... "oh heck you'll do" I still laugh. I remember watching my whorey friend being picked up on the dance for and thinking good God woman I've had 3 times as much to drink as you and I'm not acting a fool like you.

I am a people watcher, I wonder how all of this will turn out in the morning, how many coyoty ugly situations does all of this come down too. I'm still laughing. Tonight I was reminded of a few other things, (**shaking head**) years will come to pass and things will pop up. Well you know, I'm ok with that. I fell off my personal wagon and needed to let loose. I'm not sorry I did it, my body paid for it. Those demons never do stay in my closet for long.

I'm loving this crazy life.

Later Days-
posted by Spicy Cracker @ 11:50 PM  
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